Penta Gonna is home to five planets around a double sun Sands, it was under the rule of the absolute authority Orudona-Poseidaru. Mirau best friend and hero Pacquiao-pack mule My Road journey to the city to breast aspirations of Sean armed with Heavy Metal L-Gaim is a keepsake of the father of the pack mule One day, from the countryside of the planet Koamu. It was also a journey to look for the sister-in-law Kuwasan-Oribi missing.
In addition to fellow Gow Ha Resshii original regular and military Fan'neria am the original thief, pack mule that has been entrusted to deliver to Amandara-Kamandara bills of 1 million Gin from fallen man to go easily and appear suddenly, Ya thieves while you dismiss in Gaim the regular army, to know that it is the world that has laid the assay by regular army was corrupt world of now. Pack mule who repulsive to rule by force, we are involved in a war with anti-Poseidaru forces and regular army soon.
Koamu star
Planet became the stage in the work early. KITO capital (Sakuchu not appeared). In the "outlying planet" Pacquiao says the narrator role, such as the depiction of the forest or desert rocks in many cases. Private residence of Amandara-Kamandara headquarters and Aman Shokai is placed in the city Puryamo appearing in Sakuchu, (Giwaza, Nei, chai, Resshi~i) were stationed four out of 13 people Shu army base on the outskirts .
Mizzen star
Planet workhorse who have left the Koamu stars Chasing Amandara is headed. Capital of Yeaman Dynasty Canard Rojina, the capital of the current. Dynasty Yeaman tribe boasted a large force once, but are annihilated each ethnic after losing the battle with the army Poseidaru. Movement of anti-Poseidaru violently or its effects, such as Little Say rebels pack mule threw himself to the first is active.
Gasutogaru star
Planet that we pack mule headed after the rebel activities in the mizzen was defeated, the home of Poseidaru. Capital Suvu~eto. Major cities, including Suvu~eto at sea artificial city, land has begun to collapse into the sea and weathered by environmental destruction. According to the words of Resshi~i, that land disappear from this star also with not far.
Toraidetoaru star
Planet pack mule who escaped the Gasutogaru is headed next. Traditional technical old, development of new HM was also performed. Antipathy to Poseidaru is deep-rooted, rebels have been formed in various places in this star.
File star
The only planet who is not settled in the five planets. Sakuchu not yet appeared. There is a setting originally only satellite of the planet Calamity, that was supposed to be counted on the planet in order to Calamity has been extinguished.